

We propose to start small, grow functionality and scale up.

Start Small.
The best way to begin implementation for the iPhone application would be to start with basic functionality. The initial objective of the application would be to help students make more eco-friendly decisions while dining at Ackerman and reward them for doing so.

The smart phone application would be able to recognize the location of the student based on the application's network of restaurants.  Once at a recognizable location, the application would allow students to see the how their potential choices would rate on the "green meter".  The application would then make suggestion to them on packaging options that they should choose or not choose. Upon purchase, the application would calculate the number of "carbon points" that the student earned and apply it to their account. These carbon points would accumulate over time and could be redeemed for various rewards like coupons or even free meals.
Screen shot of the application's initial recognition of users' location

Screen shot of users' homepage
Screen shot of when a user has to decide between take-out and eat-in
Once a user earns points, they can share on facebook or twitter
Grow Functionality.
After beta testing of the initial design, we would start to add functionality. During out brainstorming session we came up with many ideas for additional features, however we would want to base the next generation application primarily off of user feedback.  Here are some examples of functionality we might add:

Provide more guidance
  • Monitor your behavior and make suggestions
  • Tips of the day
  • Let you know where the closest recycle bin is.
  • Calculate and track your calories
Integrate with existing technology or programs
  • Integration with Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare - (Imagine, when you recycle it automatically posts "Olivia just recycled at Ackerman)
  • Create online competitions (i.e. leader boards, awards)
  • Have a "green" avatar
  • Capture "green hero" moments and publish them online (the recycle bin snaps a picture of someone recycling and posts a "recycler-of-the day" online.
Earn more points by
  • Recycling
  • Getting someone else to recycle
  • Volunteering (e.g. Beach Clean-up)
  • Add more rewards (contests)
Scale Up.
Once the functionality is more robust, it would be time to expand. We see three methods of possible expansion:

1. Beyond Ackerman- The application could include other locations such as dining halls, restaurants
2. Beyond Food- Students could use the application to earn points by bringing a bag when they purchase something from the student store, or choose to wash their clothes with cold water or during non-peak hours.
3. Beyond UCLA- We want everyone to benefit from this application.  The last phase of implementation would allow just about anyone to earn carbon points and make a difference.

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